P.O. Box 464, Duffield VA 24244

Our secret as to why we never argue about money

Our secret as to why we never argue about money

Aaron and I have been together for over 2 ½ years and the only time we have ever argued about money was when we first started dating and he wouldn’t let me pay for anything.  We have very similar values when it comes to money, we are both savers, but that is only part of it.  Our biggest secret to never arguing about money is that we never spend without talking about it first. 

We take this to the extreme, most people would feel this is completely unrealistic and unreasonable, but for us, we just fell into the habit.  We never discussed how much we could spend without telling the other or anything like that.  The first week we moved in together, I was seeing if it was okay to buy something before acting.  The longer we were together the more ingrained this has become to our habits and relationship. 

This works for us because we know where every dime we spend goes.  We don’t tell each other what we can’t and can purchase/do.  We look at the big picture, ask questions, justify why we need what we are purchasing.  It helps us realize if we really need something right then or if it can wait for a later date.   

Because we are similar in personality, this works well for us.  It won’t work well for everyone.  Some people will find it restricting and oppressive.  I find it freeing and comforting to know that my husband isn’t going to go and make a purchase without telling me first.  Because financial security is so important to us, this habit of ours has made us more comfortable about our future.