P.O. Box 464, Duffield VA 24244

Free Resources

Welcome to our recommended page, here we show you some of the products, companies and services that we use.  These are some of the items we use to save money in the top part, and in the bottom section is some of our affiliate links.

Please note:  There are affiliate links on this page.  We only recommend products that we actually use personally.



How we use it – We use Rakuten when shopping online to see if there is any extra % discounts that we can get.

BeFrugal:  https://www.befrugal.com/rs/SINEABA/  ($10 for you and $10 for us when you sign-up, after earning $10 in cash back)

How we use it – This is like Rakuten and we use it when shopping online to see if there is any extra % discounts we can get.

Fetch:  Referral Code – FH24C or https://referral.fetch.com/vvv3/referralsocial?code=FH24C.

Howe we use it – We use this as a receipt scanning app to earn rewards from our regular grocery and miscellaneous shopping.

Receipt Jar:  Referral Code – AAROH8PMM

How we use it – We use this as a receipt scanning app to earn rewards from our regular grocery and miscellaneous shopping.  Note – this one requires you to link an email so you might want to create a separate email or use a junk email for this one.

Upside:  Invite Code – 7Q4C8

How we use it – We use it to save extra money at Gas Stations when traveling.  Our local gas stations do not save us any extra money.

Ibotta:  Referral Code – NXHITYC (We will receive $5 when you submit your first receipt, and you will receive $5 too).

How we use it – We use this to get any extra cash back on our grocery shopping.  There are usually some “any item” cash back if you do not shop brand names.

Receipt Hog:  Referral Code – swoss658 or https://app.receipthog.com/r/swoss658

How we use it – We use this as a receipt scanning app to earn rewards from our regular grocery and miscellaneous shopping.  The longer you do this the better the rewards get.


How we use it – We use this for surveys, scanning receipts, and daily trivia to earn rewards.

Products/Services we use that we really like:

Azure Standard:  https://www.azurestandard.com/?a_aid=c66e8db8bc  (We receive a $25 credit for the referral link, if you spend $100 on an order.)

How we use it – We use Azure to order a lot of bulk staple items for our Working Pantry.

Mint Mobile:  http://fbuy.me/uxqFU (Use our referral link to get $15 in renewal credit.)

How we use it – This is our mobile service that we use daily.  It has saved us a lot of money by switching to Mint.

Marcus:  https://www.marcus.com/share/AAR-BK6-ESJP  (You receive a +1.00% increase for 3 months, and we receive a +1.00% increase for 3 months)

How we use it – We use this as a High Yield Savings Account.  Currently the savings rate without the bonus is 4.50% as of February 2024.