P.O. Box 464, Duffield VA 24244

Saving Money when Hosting Events

Saving Money when Hosting Events

Everyone likes a good party.  Whether it is hosting for a large event or small, the costs add up.  A party or special event can blow a grocery budget quicker than anything else when you have to cover all the cost.  There are ways to help ease the blow of hosting an event. 

  • Spread the love – If it is possible, try to spread the cost among people coming to your event.   
  • Plan your shopping ahead of time– If the event is an annual production, such as hosting Christmas or an annual BBQ, then there is plenty of time to plan your shopping trips.  Spread your costs out across several months.  For our semi-annual BBQ’s, meat is our biggest expense.  By watching our local grocery ads, we buy the meat for way less and stick it in the freezer.  This works in our benefit in 2 ways.  First, we get a great cost.  Second, we get better cuts of meat.  This can be applied to any event.  Spread as much of your Christmas dinner bill as you can across several months.  This will ease what you spend on your budget. 
  • Keep it simple – You can have just as good of a time eating on plastic/or no tablecloth as you can on a linen tablecloth.  Don’t go to the extremes to overdo your event.  It will be rememberable but if you can’t afford it, then the main thing you will remember is the bill you have to pay after.  It is about enjoying time with friends and family, not the production.  By keeping it simple, you will create memories that you will never forget.   
  • Buy-in bulk – if you host several events a year, buying in bulk makes sense, especially for nonperishable items such as silverware and napkins.  We use Webstaurantsstore.com for most of our nonperishables.  I can get 100 plastic forks for around $2.  For most people, this can be spread among several parties or holidays.  I know that some budget conscious people are cringing as they read this but the few dollars we spend is worth it to us.  I’d rather be spending time with my family rather than washing 30 plates.    

Socializing is a part of human nature and almost everyone hosts an event at least once in their life.  Using even one of the tips above will help cut the costs of your event.